SAP B1 Web Client & MS Teams App集成连载三:Using This App ——设置选项卡/Setting Up a Tab

过程/Procedure:1.在应用商店中,点击启动 SAP Business One 应用。应用详细信息页面显示如下。In the Apps store, click SAP Business One app to launch it. The app details page is dis...

SAP B1 Web Client & MS Teams App集成连载二:安装Install/升级Upgrade/卸载Uninstall

一、安装/Install过程/Procedure:1.获取应用包并将其解压缩/Get the app package and unzip it。 导航到 SAP Business One 产品包的以下文件夹:Packages.x64\MS Teams Integration\ Naviga...